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How does yoga handprint help with life and writing?

The importance of the handprints to be described in this article is not a theoretical explanation, but physical evidence.

What is a fingerprint?

Mudra can be understood as using some hands to make certain gestures. It is usually used in yoga and meditation. People think that fingerprints can open the body's energy system. There are a lot of articles and even academic literature in this area.

Out of curiosity, I have read a lot of information in this regard. After all, it is quite magical to simply get some specific postures to get healthy and improve your life. But for a long time, I ended up with "visual enjoyment" on the handprints - those who made, for example, a big handprint in meditation, always look more beautiful and calmer, making meditation look more like One thing, but other than that, my opponent has no other feelings. I also had a handprint when I was meditating, but I just held the feeling of trying it out, just doing it when I think of it. 

Yoga and fingerprints

Last week I went to the Isha Yoga Open Class to study Upa Yoga and Surya Shak Yoga. These two yogas themselves do not teach fingerprints, but I have personally experienced the first time in this process. At that time, listening to the teacher's lectures, we all sat cross-legged on the ground. To be honest, I was a little distracted. I looked at my classmates. They all looked very focused. I didn't want to break the harmony. I also asked myself to concentrate as much as possible. When I subconsciously touched my index finger and thumb on my lap, a phenomenon that was amazing to me personally occurred at that moment: I immediately felt the heat flow in my chest and back strengthened, and I felt from The energy transmitted by the hand along the arm to the chest and back.

It is said that the enhancement is because my back has been feeling the heat flow in the past week, starting from the upper back of the chest and reaching the back of the head and the top wheel in a few days. This phenomenon may be related to chanting, because I first felt it, after the end of the first chanting. I started this experience just after singing, especially when I didn’t sing these days. As long as I am awake, I can feel a wave of heat flow from the upper back of the chest along the spine to the back of the head and the top wheel. The reason why I want to talk about this experience is because I think it may have a fundamental effect on the effect of my handprint.
Perhaps it is the first time I feel the simple handprint changes to the body. I think it's a little weird. I can't help but try it a few times. Every time the result is the same: when the index finger and the thumb touch together, the energy wave is from The contact of the finger is transmitted into the body along the arm, and the range of heat wave diffusion on the back is significantly increased.
Hand changes the functioning of the body
In fact, for the first time, I felt the extraordinariness of the hand—especially the extraordinary role of the fingertips—not in the fingerprints, but in the process of training the aura. I believe that most people who practice the human body's gas field first see the human body's gas from the fingertips: some white spots, look at it for a while, and see the white gas vortex at the fingertips. I vortex, convect, and exchange at all times. I thought that people's fingertips must be very strange because I thought: "If the gas is not an important gathering and exchange at the fingertips, why is it first seen at the fingertips?" I have not linked this phenomenon to the fingerprints. Now it seems that so many handprints emphasize the mutual touch of the fingertips. It is extremely reasonable. It is not a visual aesthetic consideration, but a human body. The precision design of energy operation.
In Isha's yoga class, the teacher also shared a simple experiment about the hand, which is shared with everyone. Everyone can do this experiment, it will tell you how wonderful the body is:
Sitting cross-legged, put your hands on your knees with your hands down, and do a slower, slightly deeper abdominal breathing than usual. Abdominal breathing is the abdomen bulging when inhaling, and the lower abdomen when exhaling. Do it like this and slowly do it ten times. Perceive the feelings of the body between breaths. Then, the body does not move, turn the palms of both hands up, put them on the knees, do 10 abdominal breathing, and observe the feelings of the body between the breaths.

When the palms are facing up, we may feel more comfortable breathing. I also felt this way at the time, but that is not to say that the palms are the right way. This experiment is to reveal to us who is right and who is wrong, but: Just simply changing the direction of the palm, our body's function will be changed. When the palms are facing down, the energy is mainly concentrated in the abdomen, and we can clearly feel that the power of breathing is in the abdomen. When the palms are facing up, our energy will move to the chest, and we will feel more comfortable because at this time we use the energy of the chest to breathe, it does not have the pull of the abdominal breathing.
Is it amazing, just simply flipping your hand! 
There is a mysterious connection between the hand and the body. Our body is like a super-precise instrument. Only through the contact of the hands, our energy can be improved.

From yoga to life

Handprints should not be exclusive to yoga and practitioners. A simple but powerful way like this should be tried by more people. We may not do yoga or practice, but we all need to have plenty of energy to live.

One of the simplest ways to boost energy is by hand: a three-minute Gyan mudra.
Sitting cross-legged, putting your hands on your lap, hands and palms up, your thumb and forefinger touching each other.
The wisdom handprint, also known as the knowledge handprint, is a handprint that the yogi has practiced for thousands of years, which can bring clarity and calmness. Most of us may not be able to feel the flow of energy from the fingerprints at first - I don't really know why I suddenly felt it, it may be related to the space field at the time, or it may be that yoga practice opened my body. ——But it doesn't matter if you can feel it. Whether it feels or not, it is working, just do it.
Why do you start handprint exercises in your life? Remember the "singularity effect" I said? According to Ray Kurzweil, author of Singularity Approach, "Singularity" refers to the point at which things have developed by leaps and bounds, almost rising straight. Before this point, things seem to develop extremely slowly, just like they are not developing at all, so this "point" is called "singularity", and its "odd" is that you don't know how it happened.
I have always felt that "singularity theory" is very suitable to explain the development of life - it seems extremely slow, but it erupts after a certain point. The important thing here is to make a very small but correct change. It was this change that eventually led to the occurrence of singularities. As individuals, we need to discover and shape our own "singularity activities".
In my opinion, the handprint practice is such a singularity activity, it is very small, almost no change can be seen, but once it passes the singularity, its change to life is huge. Of course, the handprint practice requires a little perseverance and perseverance, especially when we can't feel the energy, we need to rely on faith.
Handprint and writing
It may be a bit awkward to suddenly insert a handprint in your daily life. You don't even know when to do it. It feels weird. Here is a way for students who are practicing writing. They can combine handwriting practice with writing: a three-minute "smart handwriting meditation" before each writing, which is very useful for improving concentration and awareness. This is also an excellent way to separate the state of daily life from the state of writing. It is like pulling up a "screen of consciousness", which can make you temporarily and immersively immersed in the state of daily life. In writing.
The method of "handprint meditation + writing" is also easier to help us establish regular writing habits in life. It is not okay to rely on this kind of thing. It is also necessary to rely on the body to cooperate with the body, and the brain is more accessible. status.
The above is a personal handprint experience of Teacher Zhou. Regarding the role of handprints, it is hard to believe if you don't experience it yourself. So if you read this article, if you have doubts about what you said, that's right! When accepting another system that is different from the mainstream, keeping doubts is too much a blind faith, and suspicion of anything that is not personally evidenced is a necessary attitude towards life. Keeping doubts is good, but at the same time maintaining an open mind, you can try new things without prejudice. This kind of life will be both sensible and full of freshness. In the end, we will use our own judgment to find our own answers.

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