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Marvel's Avengers game trailer published

At E3 2019, the world community saw the first story trailer for Marvel's Avengers.
The company Square Enix presented a trailer for the action adventure “The Avengers” at a press conference at the E3 2019 exhibition.

The video presented shows the battle for San Francisco, which ends in tragedy with massive destruction. Authorities immediately blamed superheroes for what happened. Five years later, when the whole team of "Avengers" became outlawed, the world was in danger. To save the Earth and defeat the enemy, the heroes need to reunite.

As noted, gamers will be able to purchase the game on May 15, 2020, it will be released on personal computers, PS4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia.

 There is a cooperative in the game, up to four people can play in a squad. It is known that with the release of "Avengers" it will be possible to play for Iron Man, Hulk, Torah, Black Widow, and Captain America. The developers promise in the future to release free add-ons in which new heroes will appear.

Marvel's Avengers

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