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"X-Men: Black Phoenix" IMAX welcomes 20 years of legendary peaks

On June 6th, the superhero blockbuster "X, directed by Simon Kimberg, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbinder, Sophie Turner, Tyre Sheridan and Ivan Peters" Warfare: Black Phoenix is ​​leading the overseas landing of more than 600 IMAX theaters nationwide. 
On the day of the film's release, IMAX held a media viewing event in Beijing. The 20-year legend ended, and the audience took the first battle with the most ceremonial IMAX.

  20 years of legendary ending, IMAX is full of goodbye to the next generation X-Men
  As the masterpiece of the "X-Men" series in the past 20 years, "Black Phoenix" ushered in the most reluctant moment, and IMAX has long been the most ceremonial farewell way for X-Men. In the film, many viewers saw "Professor X" James McAvoy, "Magic King" Michael Fassbinder, "Magic" Jennifer Lawrence, "The Beast" Nicholas Holt, "Fast The silver "Ivan Peters, "Phoenix Woman" Sophie Turner, "Laser Eye" Tere Sheridan and other leading X-Men returned to the full screen of IMAX.
  The grand scene took turns to stage IMAX, the extraordinary visual effect of the explosion of the senses
  In addition, the film maintains the X-Men series as always, the action scenes and extraordinary visual effects, the grand scenes are staged on the IMAX big screen, and the X-Men's missions enter the outer space for the first time, and the visual images that stimulate the glare and subvert the imagination are dizzying. IMAX's all-around feelings caused the audience's nervous sensory emotions to erupt instantly.
  "The Queen of the North" is the strongest variant of the universe, and the performance is well received.

  IMAX highlights the inner play and it is worth mentioning that the Phoenix woman Sophie Turner, who is completely out of control in this episode, has performed wonderful performances. 
Black Phoenix, the black phoenix that became the strongest variant of the universe, manipulated the helicopter with one person's power, and the fire scenes were all over a messy action scene, or through the expression to try to let the audience experience the inner drama of her struggles. 
They are all in place. The X-Men has been brilliant for 20 years, and the mutants finally assembled IMAX to unlock the ultimate battle. 

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