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Xbox gaming console || How to make money on the release of the new Xbox

Microsoft introduced the next generation Xbox gaming console Project Scarlett. It should appear on store shelves in the 2020 holiday season. Analysts believe that tech stocks will rise in price

Microsoft introduced a new version of the Xbox game console called Project Scarlett. It will be four times more powerful than the Xbox One X game console, the company said. The release of a new device can trigger a surge in demand, which the company will earn. Deutsche Bank analyst Karl Keirsted raised the target price for Microsoft shares from $ 130 to $ 145.

The expert believes that the company in the past quarter has received outstanding financial results, and is confident in further growth in revenues and profits. Expecting a rise in price of shares by 9% from the current price level, the analyst recommends buying Microsoft papers. Analysts polled by Refinitiv expect Microsoft shares to grow in the coming year to $ 143.16.

Invest in shooters

Xbox new generation will show up to 120 frames per second. This is twice the average television frequency. The console includes a solid-state drive that allows games to load much faster than mechanical hard drives.

Together with the new console will be released and the latest version of the popular video game shooter ("shooter") from Microsoft called Halo. In addition, the company announced 14 games from Xbox Game Studios, including another Gears 5 shooter.

Cloud service for players

In October last year, the company announced Project xCloud. This is a game streaming service designed to work on personal computers, consoles and mobile devices. A year later, in October of this year, the company intends to release this service. The new service will allow users to broadcast games directly from their Xbox consoles instead of Microsoft servers.

Microsoft Executive Vice President of Games Phil Spencer promised that the new service "will turn Xbox One into a personal and free xCloud server." “Regardless of whether you use the console in our data center or at home, in October of this year you will be able to use our hybrid gaming cloud to play your games wherever you are. Where to play now is your choice, ”Spencer said.

Can Microsoft defeat Google

This may mean that Microsoft is ready to reproduce some of the technological solutions of Stadia  , a new project from Google. The online service will transfer all computing power from consoles to Google's data centers. The Microsoft version is much more conservative, since the new consoles will still perform calculations on their own. But at least with online broadcasts, Microsoft will lead some processes to the cloud.

Analysts say that Microsoft can benefit from cloud games better than others, citing the company's strengths in the field of infrastructure of its content and experience in games, The Wall Street Journal writes .

But the speed of the internet can affect the streaming of the game. According to Cboxy Walker, Xbox marketing director, the company will use the preview in October to identify the so-called dead zones.

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