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Trump said he does not rule out the blockade of Venezuela

S President Donald Trump said that his administration is considering the introduction of a blockade against Venezuela. 
Trump was asked whether the US authorities are considering introducing a “blockade and isolation” in relation to the Bolivarian Republic, given the “ amount of foreign aid that Caracas receives ” from Moscow, Tehran and Beijing. “ Yes, I am considering,” the president answered, without explaining his words.

Earlier, US Vice President Michael Pence said that the US is introducing new sanctions against Venezuelan officials, who are considered guilty of human rights violations.
Earlier, a reshuffle occurred in the Armed Forces of Venezuela after authorities reported preventing a coup attempt that was planned for June 23-24 and included the assassination of the president. Among the detainees for participating in the conspiracy were soldiers.
Recall that in May at least two rounds of indirect negotiations between the authorities and the opposition of Venezuela, organized through the mediation of the government of a European country took place in the Norwegian capital, Oslo.

Earlier it was reported that US President Donald Trump is losing patience and interest in the situation around Venezuela, whose leader Nicolas Maduro continues to remain at his post. 
Recall that in January 2019, against the backdrop of mass protests against Maduro, the chairman of the National Assembly of Venezuela, Juan Guaydo declared himself the acting president of the country. 
Most of the EU countries, the USA, Canada, Australia and part of Latin American countries declared recognition of Guaydo as interim president of Venezuela, while Russia, China, and Cuba supported Maduro. 
At the same time, at the end of April, Guaydo announced the  beginning of the “final stage” of the removal of Maduro from power, after which the streets of the country began to be filled with people, and came to serious skirmishes.

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