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Brexit talks: London puts forward new demand for Brussels

The EU has repeatedly stated that the Brexit agreement is not subject to revision

The UK intends to amend the provisions of the political declaration on future relations with the European Union in order to equalize the “conditions of the game” in key areas. This was reported on Wednesday by the Financial Times.

According to her, the requirement to change the situation was put forward by the assistant to the Prime Minister of Great Britain for European Affairs David Frost last week during the negotiations in Brussels.

In particular, Frost requested a “best-in-class trade agreement,” as well as changes in social standards and environmental protection.

The EU has repeatedly stated that the agreement on the conditions of Brexit, which was reached by the government of Theresa May, is not subject to revision, but the political declaration, which is attached to the agreement and is not a legally binding document, can be changed.
The United Kingdom was supposed to leave the EU on March 29, 2019, that is, two years after submitting a written notice of withdrawal from the community.

However, members of the House of Commons of the British Parliament three times rejected the draft agreement on the conditions of Brexit reached between Brussels and the government of Theresa May - Johnson's predecessor in the prime ministerial post. As a result, the EU agreed to postpone Brexit, first to April or May, then to October 31, and May was forced to resign, failing to break the deadlock. After her departure, the chair of the British prime minister was taken by Boris Johnson, who promised that he would not allow a new postponement of Brexit, and that the country would leave the EU without a deal with Brussels if it did not agree with the demand of London.
Note that the government of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson suffered his first defeat in the House of Commons of the British Parliament. Members of the ruling minority Conservative Party failed to stop the opposition’s initiative, which by a majority of 27 votes gave the House of Commons the right to consider a bill that would open up the possibility of postponing the date of the kingdom’s exit from the EU and block Brexit’s possibility without a deal with Brussels

Earlier, citing senior government officials, British television reported that if deputies did not support the prime minister’s policy on Brexit, then on October 14, Boris Johnson would announce early parliamentary elections.

As we already reported, Boris Johnson admitted that a “hard” Brexit can be avoided if the EU itself offers compromise options for a new deal between Brussels and London. Communicating with local farmers, he assured them of state support in case of problems with access to familiar markets after Brexit.

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