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Afghanistan News : Kabul, about to be a new South Vietnam

North American President Joe Biden recently announced the withdrawal of his armed forces after twenty years of conflict

From the twentieth century, US military intrusion has left deep and very unhealthy scars. In the Dominican Republic after the fall of the General Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, triumphed in the elections, another totalitarian: Juan Bosch.

But he could not assume due to a military coup led by General Elías Wessin and Wesssin who handed the power to a civil triumvirate against which in turn rose in arms the Colonel Francisco Camano with the purpose of restoring Juan Bosch in the government.

It was then that the US government sent forty-two thousand soldiers, which led to the assumption of another authoritarian spirit: Joaquín Balaguer, which was installed in power for twenty-two years leaving the country in the most miserable of the prostrations.

In Korea, military intervention ended up consolidating communism as a result of Truman's policy despite Douglas McArthur's warnings.

In Vietnam after years of huge sangria in Lives of American soldiers and others alleging that he fought against the advanced communists ended up when the whole country was under the aegis of that totalitarian regime.

In Iran the government of the United States finally abandoned the SHA and opened a way to the Ayatollah much more extremists than the previous government with its secret police and other negotiations.

In recent days, Taliban has occupied eight provincial capitals in northern Afghanistan. As expected, Islamist troops are taking advantage of the withdrawal of US and European troops. The fiction of the peace treaty signed last year between Afghan authorities and the Taliban in Doha, Travel.

The Taliban advance without finding greater resistances by northern Afghanistan and sweeping with everything in its path, plundering cities and attacking the civilian population. They have already occupied Farah's provincial capitals, Sar-E-Dr, Pul-E Khumri, Sibargan, Lashkar Gah, Kandahar, Herat and Kunduz.

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  • The latter is a strategic city, located just 50 kilometers from Kabul, the Afghan capital. In addition to having greater resources and logistics, the talibats increase their strength by occupying new cities and releasing Taliban combatants that remained detained.

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