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Less than 40% of Americans have been tested for HIV

Most Americans have never been tested for HIV, the virus that attacks and weakens a person's immune system.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (CDC, for its acronym in English) expect to change that.

According to a new report, the agency found that less than 40% of people in the United States have been screened for HIV. It is recommended that all persons between the ages of 13 and 64 be examined at least once.

Fifty jurisdictions across the country are responsible for more than half of all HIV diagnoses, however, only 35% of people recommended for testing in those areas were screened the previous year, according to the CDC. And less than 30% of people across the country with the highest risk of contracting HIV were examined in that period.

"Diagnosis and treatment is the first steps to offer people living with HIV a normal life expectancy," said Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the CDC, in a statement. "As we encourage those at risk of HIV to seek care, we must accompany them on their way. 
This means clearing the path of stigma, finding more convenient ways to provide health services, as well as learning from people already in treatment so that the trip becomes easier for others to follow. "

The Department of Health and Human Services has proposed an initiative called End the HIV Epidemic: A plan for the United States, which aims to reduce new HIV infections by 75% in five years and at least 90% in 10 years. 
It would increase the resources used for public health, technology and experts in the areas with the highest risk of contracting HIV.

President Trump has proposed $ 291 million in the Health and Human Services budget to start the initiative.

"Testing for HIV is faster and easier than ever, and when you take the test, you take control," said Dr. Eugene McCray, director of the CDC's Division of HIV / AIDS Prevention, in a statement. "I hope that through the initiative to end the HIV epidemic we will increase testing and early diagnosis, accelerate the links to care and help ensure that rapid treatment is available to help save lives and prevent new infections. HIV. "

Pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP is a daily pill to prevent HIV infection and CDC recommends that people at high risk take it as a preventive option if they have a negative result for the virus. 
According to the CDC, it reduces the risk of contracting HIV through sex by 90% and by injecting drugs by 70%.

For those who have tested positive for HIV, the CDC recommends seeking immediate treatment.
"Knowledge is power when it comes to HIV: that's why everyone in the United States should get tested for HIV at least once in our lives," said Dr. Jonathan Mermin, director of the National HIV / AIDS Center, Viral hepatitis, prevention of STDs and TB from the CDC, in a statement. "It's a simple way in which we can all help put an end to the HIV epidemic in the United States."

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