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Huawei promised Android Q release

For the first time, Huawei has published on the official website information related to recent problems it faces in the mobile world. 
A leading Chinese OEM has been silent for the past few weeks since Google announced that it will limit cooperation with Huawei.
The company reported that consumers for it have always been in the first place, so Android updates and security updates will continue to flow to all Huawei smartphones and tablets. 
Also, the current owners of Huawei devices will still retain access to Google Play and other Android services. In addition, the company is not going to give up its warranty obligations and will continue full support. 
The flagship premium Huawei P30 still get Android Q, and the owners of Huawei Mate 20 Pro will be able to participate in the beta program for Android Q developers.
The Chinese company also hurried to dispel the numerous rumors and assumptions expressed in recent weeks regarding the current situation.
Hearing # 1 : Huawei smartphones and tablets will no longer receive software updates or fresh security patches.
Huawei answer: Current updates of the mobile OS and the security system and software will continue to come in order to keep all the company's smartphones and tablets up to date.
Rumor 2: Android will be automatically removed from Huawei smartphones and tablets.
Android will not be automatically removed from Huawei smartphones and tablets. The company will continue to work closely with partners so that consumers can always get the best possible environment.

Hearing 3: Huawei users will not be able to download or use applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook or Instagram.
On all Huawei smartphones and tablets, WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram apps can be downloaded and used as usual.
Rumor 4: Windows will no longer work on Huawei computers.
The company has confirmed that Huawei devices with Microsoft software will continue to receive updates and support.
Rumor 5: If a user resets the settings of a Huawei smartphone or tablet, they will permanently lose access to Android and Google services.
If you restore the factory settings of the Huawei smartphone or tablet, Android and Google services can still be downloaded and used as usual.
Hearing 6: The current situation affects the warranty service of Huawei smartphones and tablets.
Nothing changed. Huawei, as before, provides after-sales service in accordance with the current warranty policy.
Rumor 7: Huawei smartphones and tablets will offer users only limited functionality.
All Huawei smartphones and tablets will continue to work in the same mode as now.
Rumor 8: Huawei will no longer sell smartphones.
Huawei will continue to sell smartphones. In addition, the company will continue to invest in research and development to provide advanced innovations and the best opportunities for smartphones.
Hearing 9: Smartphones P30 and P30 Pro will not get access to Android Q.

Huawei believes that the most popular devices, including the P-Series 30, will be able to gain access to the All Android the Q . The company is working with third parties for many months, so the device can receive updates for All Android the Q . Technical training and tests have already begun for more than 17 devices. In addition, Mate 20 Pro , for example, has already received permission to receive Android Q after the launch of the final assembly by Google.

In general, the company gave answers to the most difficult questions of the public. Huawei also provided a list of devices whose owners can expect to receive Android Q updates in the future:
·         Huawei 30 Pro, P30, P30 lite;
·         Huawei Mate 20, Mate 20 Pro, Mate 20 Lite;
·         Huawei PORSCHE DESIGN Mate 20 RS;
·         Huawei P smart 2019, P smart + 2019, P smart Z;
·         Huawei Mate 20 X, Mate 20 X (5G);
·         Huawei P20 Pro, P20;
·         Huawei Mate 10 Pro, PORSCHE DESIGN Mate 10, Mate 10.
The Honor smartphone models were not indicated, but it is known that, at a minimum, the Honor 20 series will also receive Android Q, so a similar list of Honor phones will probably appear.

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