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The best exercise for a flat stomach and beautiful posture

Tightening tummy - the dream of every girl at any age. There are many exercises with which you can get a beautiful tummy. These are both slopes, twists, and a slat.
At the same time, there is one incredibly effective exercise that will not only tighten the tummy, but also allow you to make a smooth, beautiful back.
Exercise is called a vacuum and it is related not to the work of muscles, but to breathing exercises. A few years ago, almost no one knew about this exercise, but today it is recommended to almost all people.
The essence of the exercise is as follows: you need to stand up, slightly bending your back. Hands can be put on your knees. It is necessary to inhale and exhale calmly and relatedly, on which the stomach should be drawn in as much as possible.
It is important to try as much as possible to press the stomach to the spine and pull it upward, as it were, to your head. In this position, you need to stay for 5-10 seconds, then repeat 5-10 times.
You can perform this exercise lying, standing and sitting - in any posture that is most comfortable for a person.

But how does this exercise affect your posture? Vacuum belly has a positive effect on the entire body. Exercise provides massage of internal organs, allows you to remove the fat located between the internal organs, and strengthens the back of a person, helping to create a beautiful posture.

Dignity exercises, contraindications

What is the advantage of exercise? First of all, it is very efficient, but not too energy consuming. You can perform it at any age.
Belly vacuum is comfortable for people with and with great overweight, and without it. Also, a vacuum of the abdomen helps to remove the hated crease that appears after a cesarean section.
Vacuum also has certain contraindications. It is not recommended to perform it:
·         during critical days;
·         during pregnancy;
·         within a month after birth, with diastase;
·         in the postoperative period;
·         people with diseases of the pelvic organs;
·         With diseases of the heart organs.
It is important to understand the fundamental difference between vacuum and other press exercises. Twisting, plank, slopes - all this affects mainly the upper abdomen, the vacuum works with the lower part, the most problematic for many women.

Belly vacuum is considered an incredibly effective exercise, the results of which are noticeable after a week of regular training.
Moreover, this simple action can be performed not only at home, but also on the way to work, during the lunch break, walking, absolutely everywhere. Some are guided by the rule - just remembered the vacuum, immediately make a few times!

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