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Merkel remains the most popular politician in Germany - poll

German Chancellor Angela Merkel remains the most popular politician in the country, having been in office for 14 years. This is evidenced by the results of a monthly survey of the ARD channel.

A total of 56% of Germans said they were happy with Merkel's work. This is two percentage points more than the last survey conducted in July.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas took second place with 51% (+ 6%), and in third place was Health Minister Jens Span, who scored 48% (+12).
Among the parties in the ranking are the leaders of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), to which Merkel belongs, and the Greens. Both parties support 26% of respondents. The third is the far-right “Alternative for Germany” with 14% (+ 1%).
Recall that more than half of the citizens of Germany believe that the state of health of Chancellor Angela Merkel is only her personal affair. This is evidenced by the results of a public opinion poll published by the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper.

This opinion was shared by 59% of 4495 respondents. At the same time, 34% of respondents said that the health of the chancellor is of public interest.
Earlier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who experienced another bout of trembling, said there was no cause for concern. 
“I feel good, no need to worry,” she said.
“How it began, so it will one day pass. But until this day has come,” the chancellor assured. “In the meantime, I am convinced of my own performance

 Recall that the first time such an incident occurred on June 18, when the 64-year-old head of the German government received the President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky. Unexpectedly for all, during the performance of national hymns, a trembling swept over her.
It is curious that after the incident, the Bundescan Chancellor explained the incident by overheating - the ceremony took place outdoors and it was hot. However, on July 10, a fairly moderate temperature stood in Berlin - 18 degrees Celsius.
As we already wrote, on June 27 a similar situation was repeated at a reception at the German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
Against the backdrop of rising concern about the health of Angela Merkel, her representative said that there was no reason to worry about the health of the Chancellor.

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